Digital Cloud Leader Notes

Digital Cloud Leader Notes

What is the Cloud?

  1. Metaphor for network of datacenters that do stuff for the internet

Types of Cloud

  1. On-premises On prem
    • Hosted on site
    • Located and operated within an organization's data center
    • Traditional way of managing IT infrastructure
    • Doesn't require third-party access
    • Owners have physical control
      • Need servers that
        1. Require physical space
        2. A specialized room
        3. Require expert personnel
        4. Difficult scale
        5. Acquire more computing than actually needed
  2. Private Cloud
    • Dedicated to a single organization
    • Single-tenant or corporate cloud
    • Benefits
      • Self service
      • Scalability
      • Elasticity
  3. Public Cloud
    • On-demand availability of computing and infrastructure resources
    • No need to acquire, config, or manage resources
    • Pay only for what is used
    • Cloud computing service models
      • IaaS
      • PaaS
      • SaaS
  4. Hybrid Cloud
    • Combine public and private cloud environments
  5. Multicloud
    • Combine two public cloud provider environments
    • Most orgs embrace a multicloud strategy

Benefits of cloud computing

  1. Access to scalable resources
  2. Latest technology on-demand
  3. Accelerates deployment time
  4. Flexible
    • Access services from anywhere
    • Scale services up
    • Scale services down
  5. Agile
    • Develop new applications
    • Rapidly get them into production
    • No infrastructure worries
  6. Strategic Value
    • Competitive advantages
    • Higher ROI
    • Innovate and try new ideas .faster.
  7. Secure
    • Stronger than enterprise data centers
    • Depth and breadth of mechanisms
    • Dedicated teams
  8. Cost-effective
    • Pay for what is used
    • No overbuilding data centers
    • IT staff can work on strategic initiatives

Cloud Eras

  1. VM Cloud Era
  2. Infrastructure Cloud Era
  3. Transformation Cloud Era

Google Transformation Cloud .review this.

  1. Data
  2. Open infrastructure
  3. Collaboration
  4. Trust
  5. Sustainable technology

Google Cloud Adoption Framework

  1. Provides assessment of where an org is in its cloud journey
  2. Creates plan to get the org to where it wants to be in their cloud journey
  3. Cloud maturity assessment

Fundamental Cloud Concepts

  1. Total Cost of Ownership .TCO Analysis.
  2. On-Premises Costs Include
    • Power
    • Cooling
    • Maintenance
    • Support services
  3. CapEx v. OpEx
    • CapEx = Upfront business expenses put toward fixed assets
    • OpEx = Recurring costs for a more immediate benefit
  4. Cloud cost savings include
    • Power
    • Cooling
    • Floorspace
    • Management
    • Equipment
  5. Private Cloud
    • Own data center
    • Self service
    • Scalability
    • Elasticity
  6. Multi Cloud
    • Combine two public cloud providers
  7. Hybrid Cloud
    • Combine private and public cloud environments
  8. Mult-cloud strategies
    • Access to the latest technologies
      • Best in class approach to cloud features
      • Scale, security, and agility to innovate fast
      • Advanced capabilities
    • Modernize at the right pace
      • Migrate at a pace that makes sense
      • Transform technical infrastructure over time
    • Improved return on investment
      • Expand cloud computing capacity without increasing data center expenses
      • Reduce CapEx or general IT spending
      • Improve transparency
    • Flexibility through choice of tools
      • Wider choice of tools and developer talent
      • Better response to changing market demands
      • Avoid vendor lock-in concerns
    • Improve reliability and resiliency
      • Distribute core workloads across multiple cloud and on-premises infrastructures
      • Reduce downtime
      • Reduce concerns about over-dependence on a single source of failure iv. Improve quality and availability of a service f. Maintain regulatory compliance
      • Ensure compliance with regional data governance, residency, or digital sovereignty requirements g. Running apps on-premises
      • Freedom to innovate while still meeting legacy technology needs h. Running apps at remote edge locations
      • Meet performance and latency requirements
      • Run select apps at the network edge
  9. Network performance
  10. Google Cloud regions and zone
    • Locations
      • NA
      • SA
      • Europe iv. Asia v. Australia
    • Locations > Regions > Zones
    • Mult-region, store data in multiple regions that are 160km apart
    • clou-googl-com/about/locations
  11. Google's edge network
    • Store popular content near users
    • Low latency
    • Network's edge = entry point to the network
    • High performance
    • High reliability f. Low latency
  12. Cloud computing service models
    • Infrastructure as a service IaaS
      • Compute, networking, storage, databases
      • Lease resources, only pay for what you use
      • Reduce CapEx iv. Compute engine v. Cloud storage v- Benefits:
        1. Economical
        2. Efficient
        3. Boosts productivity
        4. Reliable - no single point of failure
        5. Scalable - up and down rapidly v- Use Cases:
        6. Unpredictable workload volumes or need to move quickly in response to business fluctuations
        7. Require more infrastructure scalability and agility than traditional data centers can provide
        8. High business growth that outpaces infrastructure capabilities
        9. Unpredictable spikes in demand for infrastructure services
        10. Low utilization of existing infrastructure resources
    • Platform as a service PaaS
      • Provides a platform for developers to develop, run, and manage their own apps
      • No need to build and maintain the associated infrastructure
      • Can use built-in software components to build applications iv. Cloud Run
        1. Fully managed serverless platform
        2. Develop and host applications v. Big Query
        3. Enterprise data warehouse
        4. Manage and analyze data v- Benefits:
        5. Developers can go straight to coding
        6. No need to spend time setting up and maintaining a development environment
        7. Faster time to market
        8. Scalable
        9. Reduces management - abstracts the management
        10. Flexible - support for different programming languages and easy collaboration with distributed teams
        11. Use Cases:
          • Create unique and custom applications without investing in owning and managing infrastructure
          • Rapidly test and deploy applications
          • Have legacy applications and want to reduce the cost of operations
          • Have a new app project that they want to deploy quickly by growing and updating the app as fast as possible
          • Want to only pay for resources while they're being used f. Want to offload time-consuming tasks such as setting up and maintaining application servers and development and testing environments
    • Software as a service Saas
      • Abstracts technology completely from the consumer
      • The end user doesn't need to care about the underlying infrastructure
      • Organizations pay a subscription fee for access to a ready-to-use software product iv. Google Workspace v. Benefits:
        1. Low maintenance - Eliminates the need to have IT staff download and install applications
        2. Vendors manage all potential technical issues
        3. Helps to streamline maintenance and support for an organization
        4. Cost effective
          • Fixed monthly or annual account fee
          • Predictable costs and per-user budgeting
          • Clear financial governance
        5. Flexible
          • Everything is available over the internet
          • Access to the software from anywhere, any device, anytime
        6. Use Cases:
          • Want to use standard software solutions that require minimum customizations
          • Don’t want to invest time or internal expertise in maintaining applications or infrastructure
          • Need more time for IT teams to focus on strategic projects
          • Need to access apps from various devices and locations
  13. Choosing a cloud model
    • IaaS - A highly flexible scalable service, while maintaining control of infrastructure
    • PaaS - A platform designed for building software products
    • SaaS - Ready to use features without the hassle of installations
  14. The Shared Responsibility Model
    • Security in the cloud is a shared responsibility between the cloud provider and the customer
    • Customer secures data
    • Cloud provider secures infrastructure
    • Security of the cloud v. Security in the cloud
    • According to Gartner, 99% of cloud security failures will result from user error
      • id10T error f. How the shared responsibility model works g. h. General guideline for responsibility is: "If you configure or store it, you're responsible for securing it."
Cloud ProviderCustomer
NetworksAccess policies
Physical securityUser data