
JavaScript Basics

JavaScript is a feature-rich language, and there are many methods and features that a developer should be familiar with to write effective JavaScript code.

Essential features of js

  1. Variables and Constants: let, const, and var for variable declarations.
  2. Data Types: Understanding different data types in JavaScript such as number, string, boolean, object, null, undefined, and symbol.
  3. Arrays and Array Methods: Understanding how to create and manipulate arrays using methods like push(), pop(), shift(), unshift(), map(), filter(), reduce(), sort(), slice(), splice(), etc.
  4. Objects and Object Methods: Understanding JavaScript objects and their properties, and methods like Object.keys(), Object.values(), Object.assign(), Object.create(), etc.
  5. Functions: Understanding how to define and use functions, including function expressions, function declarations, and arrow functions.
  6. Control Flow: Understanding if-else statements, switch statements, loops (for, while, do-while), and error handling with try, catch, finally blocks.
  7. Promises and Async/Await: Understanding how to handle asynchronous operations with promises and the async/await syntax.
  8. Event Handling: Understanding how to use events in the DOM, including methods like addEventListener and removeEventListener.
  9. Prototypes and Inheritance: JavaScript is a prototype-based language, and understanding how prototypes and inheritance work is crucial for more advanced JavaScript development.
  10. Closures: Closures are an important concept in JavaScript that allow functions to keep access to the scope in which they were created.
  11. Destructuring: This allows you to unpack values from arrays or properties from objects quickly and easily.
  12. Template Literals: Template literals are a way to output variables in the string.
  13. Modules: Understanding import and export for splitting code into manageable modules.
  14. Fetch API / AJAX: For making HTTP requests to servers.
  15. ES6 features and beyond: Familiarity with newer features of JavaScript, including classes, arrow functions, spread and rest operators, etc.
  16. This Keyword: Understanding the this keyword and its context in different scenarios.
  17. Debugging: Familiarity with using console.log(), console.error(), and the browser's debugging tools.

These are just the basics, and there's a lot more to learn in JavaScript, but mastering these will give you a solid foundation for both client-side (browser) and server-side (Node.js (opens in a new tab)) JavaScript development.